Some investors, especially Constrained Investors, are not well-served with the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
To create retirement income, often times financial advisors will tell you to withdraw a percentage amount from your portfolio. Typically, the percentage is 4%. This is a perfectly fine investing strategy form some retirees.... but not all.
“SWP is bad medicine for Constrained Investors.”
Some investors, especially Constrained Investors, are not well-served with the Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP). For creating retirement income, often times financial advisors will tell you to withdraw a defined percentage amount from your portfolio. Typically, the percentage is 4%. This is a perfectly fine investing strategy form some retirees.... but not all.
“SWP" is bad medicine for Constrained Investors.” Constrained Investors are better off with a strategy that seeks to manage certain financial risks e.g. Timing Risk, Longevity Risk and Inflation Risk. The priority on mitigating risks is central to The Income for Life Model.
Find out if you're a Constrained Investor. View the Constrained Investor movie at the Lucky Retiree site. It will be five minutes well spent, five minutes that could be worth hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. See it here.